Gambling with Souls (1936) [Crime] [Drama]

“Gambling with Souls” is a 1936 American film directed by Elmer Clifton. The movie is about young girls which are cheated in rigged gambling games and then forced into prostitution to pay off their debts.

Directed by Elmer Clifton, produced by J.D. Kendis, written by J.D. Kendis, starring Martha Chapin as Mrs. Mae Miller, Wheeler Oakman as Lucky Wilder, Bryant Washburn as “Million Dollar” Taylor, Gay Sheridan as Carolyn, Vera Steadman as Molly Murdock, Edward Keane as Attorney, Robert Frazer as Dr. Miller, Gaston Glass as Officer, Florence Dudley as Jean and Eddie Laughton as Nick.

Source: “Gambling with Souls” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 20 March 2012. Web. 20 July 2012.


11 Replies to “Gambling with Souls (1936) [Crime] [Drama]”

  1. One of the many low-budget "exploitation" films of the '30s that dealt with social issues (and glorifed it at the same time!), produced by one of the pioneers of the "exploitation" film market, J.D. Kendis. Later reissued as "The Vice Racket"…

  2. Check out the movies made b4 '34,when Hollywood FINALLY,after terrible hemming and hawing,they had 2 acquessthe code and all its f'ed up rules.An adulkterous woman could NEVEREVER have a happy ending.Women bosses were forced 2 turn over the chairmanship 2 hubby,even when its her dads banks!Chek it 4 urself,no sleeping in dble beds,no happy endinga 4 bAD GIRLS,PREGNANT GIRLS(Outside marriage.Things have really changed alot.

  3. This is an amazing movie for the time – 1936. It represents many of the women who were trapped in the underworld of prostitution by thugs who had learned their craft from Prohibition and the Great Depression. With WWII just a short turn around time's corner, these organized crime hoodlums were plentiful. But for the making of the movie – it was astounding. Extremely well written and produced with a very good group of actors, Gambling With Souls should have been given much higher kudos.

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  5. I was expecting some sleazy, schlocky flick (which I chose to watch purely for academic purposes, of course!), with all kinds of period 30s moral judgments, but I was astonished at how good it is. It's well acted, scripted and directed. Highly recommended.

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