Cosmo Jones, Crime Smasher (1943) MANTAN MORELAND

Stars: Edgar Kennedy, Richard Cromwell, Gale Storm, Mantan Moreland
Director: James Tinling
Writers: Walter Gering (original story and screenplay)

An amateur detective and a janitor attempt to uncover a kidnapped heiress!

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25 Replies to “Cosmo Jones, Crime Smasher (1943) MANTAN MORELAND”

  1. I love Mantan Moreland's acting.  He is so amazingly precise and in control. But I thought this movie did not do him justice at all and had a very violent slant in the apple/knife scene that is not characteristic of the Johnny Darro and Charlie Chan series.  I understand these films fall under "blaxsploitation" but no one can deny Moreland's intense artistry that actually centers the film.

  2. If Cap'n Murphy (3:00) ain't Larry Fine, he must be his brother on the faaarce…Mantan? He da Man, man!!! Whatta pip he'dabin with Charlie Chan—wait, he was!
    If they'd stopped making movies in 1959 we'd never have missed a thing. THESE was THE DAYS.

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