The Phantom Express is an American film directed by Emory Johnson. In the movie, a phantom express starts derailing trains, and threatens a company’s future. The son of the owner must find out what is happening before the company is sold.
Directed by Emory Johnson, produced by Irving C. Franklin (producer), Emory Johnson (executive producer) and Donald M. Stoner (producer), written by Laird Doyle and Emory Johnson, starring William Collier Jr. as Bruce Harrington, Sally Blane as Carolyn Nolan, J. Farrell MacDonald as D.J. ‘Smokey’ Nolan, Hobart Bosworth as Mr. Harrington, Axel Axelson as Axel, the fireman, Lina Basquette as Betty, Eddie Phillips as Dick Walsh (posing as Bruce), Robert Ellis as Reynolds, Claire McDowell as Ma Nolan, David Rollins as Jackie Nolan, Tom O’Brien as Red Connelly the Telegraph Operator, Huntley Gordon as President of Rival Railroad, Brady Kline as Slim (a Thug), Jack Pennick as Bubba (a Thug), Jack Mower as Head Thug and Allan Forrest as A Thug.
Source: “The Phantom Express” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 2 February 2013. Web. 23 June 2013.
I liked the special effects used for the ending with the train.
thank you.
Good Movie.
love all the scale model trains and stuff…cool idea for a low budget film
Always wanted to see this one, thx for the upload – totally love the miniature work.