Indestructible Man (1956) is an American black-and-white science fiction film, an original screenplay by Vy Russell and Sue Dwiggins for producer-director Jack Pollexfen.
The picture was produced independently in 1955 by C.G.K. Productions, and distributed in the United States by Allied Artists Pictures Corporation.
Charles “Butcher” Benton was a double-crossed convicted robber and murderer and who was executed in the gas chamber. His body is unlawfully sold to a scientist, where experiments accidentally revive him and make him also impervious to harm. After killing the doctor and his assistant, he sets out to avenge himself on his attorney and the lawyer’s henchmen…
*ing Lon Chaney Jr., Max Showalter, Marian Carr ,Ross Elliott, Stuart Randall, Ken Terrell, Marjorie Stapp, Robert Shayne, Peggy Maley, Robert Foulk, Reita Green, Roy Engel, Madge Cleveland, Ann Doran, Marvin Ellis, Joe Flynn, Dorothy Ford, Lyle Latell, Eddie Marr, Harlan Warde
Producer & Director: Jack Pollexfen
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