Mother India is a 1957 Indian Hindi-language epic drama film, directed by Mehboob Khan and starring Nargis, Sunil Dutt, Rajendra Kumar, and Raaj Kumar. A remake of Khan’s earlier film Aurat (1940), it is the story of a poverty-stricken village woman named Radha (Nargis) who, in the absence of her husband, struggles to raise her sons and survive against a cunning money-lender amidst many troubles. Despite her hardship, she sets a goddess-like moral example of an ideal Indian woman.
14 Replies to “Mother India Full Movie with English subtitals l Nargis, Raaj Kumar, Sunil Dutt 1957”
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Filem apa ke ya lek kok seru
goes hard
And just what is in the chillum?
Is not I or U a vowel in India?aa ,ee ,oo?Thats it?
Hell I thought one of the kids was a girl.She had three one died .Looks like two sons .OK.
20:10 what is that crop they are harvesting?Ahh millet?
Where are the subtitles?
It sucks that the subtitle cuts off half way. But as movies with communist propaganda go it is one if the better ones. Lovely music.
my favourite movie
And why is the adult Birju acting mentally retarded? When he's in the class reciting the alphabet, he's rocking forward like Rainman and when he grabs the pipe to smoke, he's sucking on it like it's mother's milk and then cowering like a child when yelled at. I'm not sure why this actor made some of the choices he did, but he's coming off as either brain damaged or mentally slow. He's behaving like a little kid in meant of his mannerisms. I realize this was only his second movie but he should have been directed better. As popular as this movie is, I can't believe how bad some of the mechanics of the filmmaking are. There are plenty of Hindi movies made in the 50s and 60s that were directed way better. However the story is what saves it.
Why did she say she would only sell herself for her kids and then then when the moneylender offered food after the flood in exchange for her body, she refused? The story was great but they kept having her pose like she was taking still pictures. Stopping and looking off at the sunset with a sickle in her hand. Who does that?
subtitles dissappear half way through movie
excellent movie……………
best movie