Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953) – Robert Wagner/ Terry Moore | GREAT QUALITY | Full Movie

Fierce competition among sponge fishermen forces a Greek-American family to fish in the dangerous 12-mile reef area off the western coast of Florida.

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2 Replies to “Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953) – Robert Wagner/ Terry Moore | GREAT QUALITY | Full Movie”

  1. A good film but it's hard for me to feel sorry for commercial fisherman.
    If they could they'd take every last fish in the ocean, then complain that they can't make a living while blaming someone else. The big factory ships are the worst of all and they've been doing it for decades all around the whole world.
    When I think of what's happened to the fish stocks here in the waters of New England over the last 50-plus years it's enough to make me want to cry.

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