23 Replies to “Zulu Dawn 1979 Full Movie”

  1. So Zulu made Treaty with English and England broke Treaty but Zulu lost. So how does that work for war crimes etc. Did Zulu get land back etc in this modern world. Hmmm ? Anyway something to think about. Creator please take elite hearts when you see them . Thanks Dennis-Michael. …

  2. Unlike todays re written histories, this gives both sides credit for what and who they were at the time! This movie, as well as a few others, such as TORA TORA TORA!, THE LONGEST DAY, and A BRIDGE TOO FAR, gives the small details within the story to understand the epic drama that it truly was! Without losing the interest and action of the Historic Battles themselves! It is the details that make History interesting. Not just memorizing the names, dates, and places of the event! If you enjoyed this movie, watch a movie I believe is called RORKE'S DRIFT! Or at least that is what it was about. it is again another monumental movie about the same battle at the Field Hospital the Zulu Nation came to next! The heroism and respect shown on both sides is inspiring!

  3. Great comments. Going to watch the movie.
    Halfway through. Epic action. Hard to understand the dialog. Accents and low volume.
    Not understanding enough to follow the plot. Bye for now.

  4. if Chelmford hadnt had the queen at his back he might of been cashiered out splitting his forces and losing 1500 men, not to mention having proper defenses. i dont think his later victories against the Zulus covers it. if it had been a regular soldier, he'd probably be hung or shot.

  5. I read that Chelmsford tried to place the blame for the massacre at Col. Durnford's feet instead of taking responsibility for dividing his forces in enemy country. It's easy to blame someone who can't defend himself because he's dead.

  6. 43:56-My favorite part of the movie. Him screamin dat on top of the mountain gave me chills

    1:16:08– Another favorite part. Dude was shook as hell on the superior numbers of the great Zulu warriors lookin like “it was at dis dat the colonizers knew they fucked up”. And the Zulus lookin at dem like “Wassup muthafuckas”

  7. Celebrating the arrogance of the British Empire is enough to make me puke. What are they all smiling about? Genocide? White supremacy? Too many issues to even list. This one should of stayed in the can, forever.

  8. What saddens me about this nonetheless wonderful film is the overly self-condemning tone found here, and in so many British films of the 1970’s. It’s a bummer to see shame at having achieved the greatest empire in human history. Many of these comments express the same pathetic ex-empire mindset. Britain brought law, civilization, schools, medicine, etc. to many parts of the world, and should be thought of thus. Arrogance and military F-ups are flaws of leadership worldwide, not just British. I appreciate Brits who still feel some pride at their kingdom’s exceptional contributions to the world lo these many centuries. ???????? Or you could just fall in line behind Jeremy Corbyn and watch the nation go down the drain.

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