Après qu’un astéroïde invisible ait attiré un astronaute et son vaisseau à sa surface, il est miniaturisé par l’atmosphère exotique de la planète fantôme.
Genres : Action, Aventure, Science-fiction
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Timeless Classics – Color, Black & White, Silent and More!
Après qu’un astéroïde invisible ait attiré un astronaute et son vaisseau à sa surface, il est miniaturisé par l’atmosphère exotique de la planète fantôme.
Genres : Action, Aventure, Science-fiction
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De la confiture pour abrutir… la terre est au centre de l'univers. Le reste est invention diabolique.
Good cinema
Очень хороший фильм мне очень понравился
Showing just how evil and ignorant people are. (And notice I didn't say just men). It's the whole of a society that thinks it's OK to bomb innocent people below.????
Jean 14:6
Louis Segond
6 Jésus lui dit: Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi.
Dammit we"ve lost two ships to this phantom planet. What should we do? Lets send another ship!
Parabéns pela postagem ótimo filme nunca tinha visto
Que hermosa película sin degeneración mostrando que lindo es el amor entre un hombre y una mujer
Merci infiniment pour "la planète fantôme" je cherchais à revoir ce film qui m´avait marqué étant enfant.
Cálcio cá, polônio pó, redonio rd, potássio k.etc
It , wss so cut
Le stesse immagini che danno adesso dell'universo !?!?!?
Un vrai film de scifi plein de poésie où les trucages étaient trop cools et plein d'humanité.
Je déteste les zefaisspécios.
Zeta avait de faux airs de Liz Taylor.
Capitaine le scénario est ridicule pouvons nous passer à 70 degrés de l'azimut de denbeldor et à 20 Sixt de l'écliptique solaire total, capitaine ?????????????
Too funny
Wow that is space rocket can change course so quickly ????.
Junk, now in junk color. Why couldn't this have been one of the movies which have vanished?
Lindo gracias la chica se enamoro del terrestre, gracias por compartirlo desde ????????????
Effetti speciali da brivido!????????????
Ma poi gli alieni vestono alla moda degli anni '60????????????
La colorazione è buona ma a tratti il protagonista divesta viola, sembra lui un alieni o un cianotico.
Un satellite del sole…????????????????????????
For me this movie crashes to a rude halt the moment Zeitha begins speaking again.. Sorry!
Grazie per aver caricato questo film e in lingua italiana grazie veramente fantastico ????????????
Cómo me gusta ver este tipo de películas y en audio latino. Excelente, ya me suscribí. Muchas gracias. (Mario, Argentina)
Muy buena cinta! La historia me recordó a un relato de Lord Dunsany, maestro inglés de la Literatura Fantástica, "Nuestros Primos Lejanos" ( 1931)
Un bon film sans wokiste cool
La. Fantascienza che guardavo a bocca aperta da ragazzo❤????
Que interesante! Todos tienen la piel verdosa.
Sessom backwards is most likely Moses, and Zetha is similar to Zeta, the last "one" in the Greek alphabet. Marissa Mathes, one of the leggy jurors, would go on to be a Playmate. Two attractive supporting ladies is unfair for us men, but Coleen Gray is beyond stunning and I've added her "The Vampire" and "Death of a Scoundrel" to my watchlist. This is the second B-movie sci-fi I've watched and I'm thoroughly enjoying them. This one was great. Always fun to see how fiction writers would do their best to predict how space travel would go.
terrible colour, would be better in Black & White
An Analog tape recorder with magnetic tape? So cheesy!
Gee March 16/1980 i would have been in grade 9,and i would've found the brunette very hot ???? ❤
Funny show????
Funny what people call love.
What a strange way to sleep- on a slab of rock with no bed clothes and stretched out in an odd position.
I was waiting for Will & Dr Smith to come out from behind the rocks – instead Lillputians rocked up.
Funny how aliens are always uglier than humans They can never imagine a creature more beautiful than humans which is telling.
Why can't he have two wives?