The Nelson Affair/Bequest to the Nation (1973) HD/Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch, Michael Jayston

Young George Matcham visits his uncle Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton. With the clear eyes of youth, he measures Nelson’s stature and notes his feet of clay. And yet, Nelson is a hero, a great man. How can this be resolved? Meanwhile, the combined French and Spanish fleet puts out to sea.
Starring Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch, Michael Jayston, Anthony Quayle, Dominic Guard, Margaret Leighton, Barbara Leigh-Hunt. Directed by James Cellan-Jones. Screeplay by Terence Rattigan.


36 Replies to “The Nelson Affair/Bequest to the Nation (1973) HD/Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch, Michael Jayston”

  1. Interesting soundtrack…..everything but dialogue. Bells, horses, oars, birds and the clatter of the carriage. Even someone burping. Never seen…or heard that.

  2. Thank you! I really enjoyed the film even though the real Emma and Nelson were a lot better I think. I don't imagine her as vulgar as this and he was a more senstitive man and physically much different. The settings and costumes help put it all into perspective. How sad Paradise Merton was demolished and there is nothing left of Emma and Nelson's happy place… Anyway, I hope they are together and happy now wherever that may be.

  3. I am on a sailing ship movie phase at the moment. Though the sea ???? is not heavily featured in this movie, the subject matter deserved a couple of hours of my time. Absolutely marvelous 🙂

  4. Nelson will always be our nations Hero, but having watched the film and read up the accounts of Emma Hamilton I can't help but feel sorry and sympathetic towards her and also of course for Nelsons wife also it was if you like a tragidy of love.

  5. Vivian Leigh was a prettier Emma Hamilton in the 1941 film but Sir Laurence Olivier didn't look much like Nelson either.

  6. I was in navy 18 years – never seen this film. Not my usual type of film – but loved it. The lovely Glenda Jackson definitely won the the film and battle .
    Think this was more about his personal battles than Trafalgar

  7. I couldn’t get into this movie when I was young because it was produced as a film version of the play. The acting form also theatrical. Almost Shakespearian. But now I can appreciate the superb performances by Finch and Jackson and the entire cast. Thanks so very much for educating me.

  8. I went on board HMS Victory, while I was in the U.S. Navy on board the USS Inchon LPH-12. During a duty night the crew of the Victory asked for assistance on a possible intruder in the vicinity of the Victory, we the Duty Master At Arms left the ship and investigated in around Victory helping to secure that noble vessel. Afterwards the crew invited us on board for a drink in their mess.

  9. Lord Nelson knew the true facts about being a man. Although we love our good wife theirs nothing like a whore in bed. LMAO

  10. TO think; a movie this magnificent. First time to have watched this film.! Great performances, loved both ship battles and The dinner scene. Oh gawd! Could been my wife or my mother at that table

  11. Very disappointing : most of the battle action is footage material out of Warner Brothers "Captain Hornblower" and other movies. Shameless cut together. Finchs Nelson has no similarity to the original person. How does it wonder nobody remembers this movie. Bad stuff.

  12. is it just me, or are the badges and epaulets on Nelson's uniform just a bit too glittery and 'Blingy', I am no expert on military uniforms, but this did strike me as odd. anyone else notice this ?

  13. Not school BS. British class system revealed in all its brutish inefficiency. That hasn't changed. As for protagonists they're the other. In that lady has some nobility and gentleman is something of a professional, a whore. British class system makes them so. Meanwhile UK press bigs-up an inspirational "national hero". UK press ever been known to be fake? has it?

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