As Young As You Feel | 1951 American Comedy | 1080p HD Film

As Young as You Feel is a 1951 American comedy film directed by Harmon Jones and starring Monty Woolley, Thelma Ritter, and David Wayne, with Marilyn Monroe in a small role. ===========================
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20 Replies to “As Young As You Feel | 1951 American Comedy | 1080p HD Film”

  1. There was a time such as what portrayed in this film.
    I feel so thrilled to have been a part of it and so sad that young people of today will never able to be a part of such a time.

  2. Notice how it’s completely male dominated? It’s all about jobs for men and the fund of experience and craftsmanship MEN have. Nothing about women, who took over so many jobs in industry and trade, farming and the civil service when men went off to war a few years before. By the 1959s when this movie was made, hundreds of thousands of women had lost their jobs and been sent back to be housewives, like it or not. The MAN had to be the breadwinner. The little lady was destined for childbearing and cleaning! So what if she had been assembling aircraft or managing a shop or running a farm a few years before? Witness what one of the characters says to his fiancée who wants to get married, but also to keep her job. He asserts that he must prove himself capable of supporting a wife, or he won’t be worthy of promotion. What utter bilge. Fifty percent of the population relegated to unpaid servitude in the home. And so, don’t let me hear any nonsense about how evil the Taliban is for suppressing women’s right in Iran. American men did it all very successfully back in the 50s, and they’re still doing i5 today. Overturning Roe vs Wade and removing a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion if she needs one is exactly the same kind of male dominated repression. Shame on all of you who are taking us backward to the bad old days. Women, stand up for your rights now, and never stop protesting and voting against the theft of your freedoms!

  3. Monday is my day, relax, chore and watch Classic Comedy 🎬, an 💯 absolutely great way to start the week. Many 😊, best to everyone who watchs these treasured gems. Peace and kindness, pass it forward 💓

  4. 14:13 – the explanation of the multinationals starting to buyout all the smaller BUSINESSES to become globalists to become basically down to 3 or 4 HUGE corporations that own ALL businesses that control it ALL over the world that got us into the disastrous situation we are in today with the WEF, UN & EU telling U.S. & U.K. how WE do EVERYTHING and every other country as well that's collapsing economically under this globalist monster – THAT includes the WHO that with the flick of a finger told the whole world of 9 billion people to lock down under unsubstantiated claims of a "deadly global pandemic" out of China that we we TOLD to BELIEVE or else, forced into it under THREAT, and are STILL suffering under that threat, and are ALSO threatened & restrictied NOW under the the GREEN DEAL nonsense as well. Meanwhile the globalists who issue these orders – the ones who OWN everything never EVER alter their OWN lifestyles, ever lose a dime in revenue or a loss, in fact get billions, TRILLIONS richer as the populations suffer & die in poverty, strife & ginned up wars. FACTS. Countries fall apart, citizens suffer, but these globalists traffic in "new citizens" who are incompatible who never assimilate & drain resources & are perfect new slaves to the communist government off the taxpayers. GLOBALISM is a CANCER. And politicians who sell out to it are CANCER to us all. We're on the verge of another an economic depression BECAUSE of this right now. 27:31 Listen to this: THIS is taken AWAY with this INSANITY of UBI & endless WELFARE & illegals by the millions flooding in for endless "free" handouts generation after generation as well, and the STUPID GOVERNMENT public schools teaching GARBAGE communism & idiocracy & gender shit & CRT & "graduating" illiterates. Honest, hard workers are NOT rewarded in America anymore. Wokism destroyed that. Leftism & Marxism destroys ALL of this. Printing endless TRILLIONS as Biden did & sending money to UKRAINE is bankrupting America for generations to come. Bill Gates buying up ALL of America's farmlands & the food production factories being blown up ISN'T a coincidence. CHINA owning Smithfield Farms is CRIMINAL. We're in big trouble, America. Thanks to GLOBALISM & TRAITORS IN GOVERNMENT WHO KEEP SAYING "OUR DEMOCRACY". OUR DEMOCRACY MEANS: TYRANNY. ONE PARTY RULE. MOB RULE. THAT'S WHAT THAT MEANS. AND ALL WE'VE EVER SEEN OUT OF THAT SIDE IS VIOLENCE. FORCE. RIOTS. AND 24/7 COVER FOR THAT ON THE T.V. AND BY HOLLYWOOD CALLING FLAT OUT BURNING & KILLING "PEACEFUL PROTESTS". YOU ALL BETTER WAKE UP. BLM/ANTIFA/MASS SHOOTING BY LEFTISTS/ATTACKS ON JUDGES & REPUBLICANS ARE NOT "PEACEFUL PROTESTS". AND THE 1/6 100S OF PEOPLE IN PRISON FOR BEING IN D.C. ARE NOT CHARGED WITH GUN CHARGES OR INSURRECTION. NOT A SINGLE ONE. IT'S ALL A LIE. YET THATS CALLED A WORSE THING THAN PEARL HARBOUR AND 9/11 COMBINED. YET THEY WERE UNARMED, ESCORTED IN, NEVER KILLED OR HURT ANYONE & THERE WERE FBI & BLM INSTIGATORS IN THE CROWD, THE WHOLE THING WAS A SET UP. 100S ARE POLITICAL PRISONERS TO THIS DAY.

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