48 Replies to “War Gods of Babylon”

  1. As an Assyrian Person I wish You all the best and Progress in your Future Assyrian History movies that inlighten the new Generation of the greatness of Assyria.

  2. A lot of these movies were produced between late 50s to the late 60s, by mainly Italian companies with co-productions with French and/or German an other countries of interest in establishing themselves n the film making. I remember when I was in my early teens and earlier going to the "cinema" or movie theatre in my small town (Lesina, (FG)) and sitting in the front rows with friends watching these movies and by the end of the show, we were transposed into the role playing onto the our streets, and living the role for days…… wooden swords, paper helmets, lances made out swamp canes….. memories; and nobody got hurt! go figure.

  3. Not a bad little story . But the walls of Nineveh were a tad thin not the 20ft thick ones I guess . Only film I have ever seen with Zoroaster as a character

  4. Another one of Hollywood Big cover up and talking down on people and not telling what really goes on in the world 🌎 today just like it did back than when people was Great Civilization good people before they went wrong selling out their own skin that they are in as the same people in a land that belongs to them all on earth 🌎 because the Black King's 👑 and Queen's 👑 of Babylon was Great Civilization ancient people before the European white race brought colonized invasion fake paper currency 💵 and coins and token's into their Mother Native land from Europe 🌍 because it was a time in Europe when they did not have colonize Currency 💵 and was Great Civilization ancient people to and the people of color race and the European white race us to get married into one another race and each other Mother Native land without breaking boundaries between one another as civilize human beings on earth 🌎 living in peace amongst one another on earth 🌎 and that's why you can found marks and signs of each race in one another Mother Native land today on earth 🌎 which was the good day's of Great Civilization ancient good people on earth 🌎 who knew how to practice live and let live and grant one another their wishes in marriage to go off and build a family life like civilized human beings on earth 🌎 appreciating the gift of life our Creator allowed all of us to be apart of on earth 🌎 but each race went wrong after the European white race created coins and token's and fake paper money 💵 and started to live dark age living in Europe 🌍 oppressing their own people selling them out in a land that belongs to them all that they was once living equal in as the same people in the same skin in that land which created sickness 😷🤧 in that land amongst the European white race and division amongst each other in their own race Mother Native land that belongs to them all in the same skin than they brought the dark age living under that Magic Trick Box fake paper 💵 money 💵 and religion Books 📚 into the people of color race Mother Native lands on 4 Connor's of the world 🌎 and not just Babylon and they created the same sell out oppression rape oppression practice amongst the people of color race by the help of some of the people of color race own sell out race of people who agreed with them to do the same thing to their own people with them and that's what started the Slave Trade under colonize invading rape oppression fake paper currency 💵 on 4 Connor's of the world 🌎 between everybody own people selling them out to the next race of people in a different race Mother Native land on earth 🌎 and that's how all different people got mixed up in one another Mother Native land on earth 🌎 because each human being selling out their own people to the next people on earth 🌎 under colonize gay punk rape Currency 💵 just like it steal going on today until all government's on earth 🌎 do away with colonize invading rape oppression practice fake paper currency 💵 on earth 🌍 and put our Creator creation back how Great Civilization ancient ancestors of King's 👑 and Queen's 👑 was living on earth 🌎 between both races and mix breed seed's amongst both races on earth 🌎 sharing and enjoying the gift of life together as 1 creation building Family life on earth 🌎 and granting one another their wishes in marriage to go off and build a family life on earth 🌎 because it doesn't matter if you get married into your own race or into another race Mother Native land just long as you do so without committing a crime of invasion and breaking boundaries between one another on earth 🌎 against one another race Mother Native land on earth and are sharing the earth 🌎 which is taking care of the earth and respecting one another boundaries in life as 1 creation building Family life on earth 🌎!!! So don't be color blind by what sick 🤧 people who need to be done away with in the world 🌎 that they are promoting with that gay punk fake paper 💵 money and Books and on Hollywood TV and YouTube videos and Movies, sports, music, entertainment and play which have created all this unpeace on earth 🌎 between humanity from building Family life to keep producing humanity and sharing and enjoying our Creator beautiful creation the gift of life that was given to all of us on earth 🌍 and not just one of us but all of us on earth 🌎 because me myself I like all flavors and colors and the beauty of our Creator creation that none of us created but was created by the one and only power over all thing's our eye's 👀 see 👀 which is the true reality of life living in peace ✌️❤️. The original Native Black King 👑 Z 👑❤️😘

  5. There is no doubt that Babylon is a city in Iraq. I read about it that it is very old, one of the Babylonian empires. A month ago, I was on a tourist trip to Babylon. I knew that it was a historical city, while I loved the monuments and ruins in Egypt, Iraq, and others.

  6. Studying history by watching films versus reading a book: seeing the topography in a film makes it so much more obvious what the struggles were in a particular story. Film changes everything. Even the best of writers must take time and space on the page to describe each scene. In a film, you see right away. You don't have to imagine the scene. History is so much more interesting and relevant in a film. I still like books, but film is more interesting. Seeing the clothing from that period in time changes the way I think about the story. Seeing the characters doing tasks like preparing food, or eating, or traveling changes the way I think about the story. I am forever changed by the films I've watched. Watching history on film has completely changed the way I think about Kings and God. They are only as good as their support team. We can not expect our leaders to help the community if they have no support.

  7. Would you people like to know why movies about Babylon are rare ???
    because Babylon destroyed Jerusalem historically so ask yourself this question !!!
    who is ruling Hollywood ????

  8. Never seen a film include Zoroaster. He is one of the earliest figures in the changes in religion & law in the Iron Age re emergence after so many empires fell around 1177BCE. Only in Egypt and China do written records continue without interruption, basically…and possibly in Celtic countries whose records were destroyed by Rome.

    Interesting to portray Zoroaster as having an influence on Hammurabi, whose code of laws is absolutely remarkable for its time. I encourage anyone to read it all, it's quite short. And it actually has extensive sections on fairness to women in family law.

  9. This is king Hammurabi an amorites king ,this time amorites conquered Babylon ,amorites descended from emer the forth son of Canaan ,Canaan the father of Canaanites.
    One of the son of ham,amorites speaks semitic language similar to ancient Hebrews.
    Hammurabi is the seventh king of amorites dynasty.

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