The Silencers (1966)

Retired agent Matt Helm is re-activated in order to stop an evil organization from exploding an atom bomb over the USA and starting WWIII.


22 Replies to “The Silencers (1966)”

  1. HISTORY, like a Consumptive Usher in a Grammar School, at Times occasionally Exposes Truths more than Uncommonly Noble.

    WITNESS the Late Vindication of the Thirteenth Earl of Oxford.

    There are Proofs Enough in Corollary Audits of De Vere´s Bible, and we Always Knew that while Clemens and Welles could Eaches be now and again Wrong, it would take a very Brave Soul to Wager on the Other Side of a Proposition upon which they were in Agreement.

    Which makes the Earl the Only Man of which one can Say his Emplacement after some Three and a Half Centuriesin in the English Literary Pantheon is Literally as well as Metaphorically…..

    Wait for it…..


    Enough of this Ancient History Tudoring…..

    Sorry, could not Resist.

    AND So We Come to Dino Paul Crocetti, Whom we all Loved as Mr. Dean Martin.

    Dino turns out to be a rather more Tranigressive Character, than Deano ever Let On, particularly in Light of hise Lifelong Romance of Mr. Lewis.

    Suddenly, his Very Willing Participation in WIlder's Very Subversive, ´Kiss Me, Stupid´ is no longer Surprising.

    And Darling Jerry´s ´Awww, Deeeeaaaan,,´rises, considering the need for Deception demanded by the Barbaric Times, to the Level of Painful Beauty.

    And ´The Silencers,´ I can tell only twenty minutes in, is a better Film than Generally Considered…. I saw it at ten or twelve, and totally missed the Hillarious Satire of Bond´s – and Supposedly, His Own – Amorous Escapades that Martin so Brilliantly Performed as Helm.}

    Well,, Gentlemen, if Making Millions, perhaps Tens and Tens of them Very Happy over the Years is any Ticket to that Celluloid Heaven, you Guys are Probably on Peter´s Privy Council.

    Tell Eddie De Vere I said Hey, Love the Plays.

    Michael Sol

  2. "Turn him off, that man cant sing." – acknowledging Frank Sinatra. "Now that man can" – And then himself. Classic parody between 2 close friends. Brilliant and fun.

  3. This movie is an abomination. It completely destroyed the serious and excellent spy thrillers that Donald Hamilton wrote. Hamilton said he didn't care what they did to his creation as long as they paid him, but readers like me were mortified.

  4. I'm a boomer so I love it! Not that you need to be a boomer, I guess. But you won't see movies like these nowadays. The sex is either too graphic, or they don't show anything. And naturally the graphic sex is taboo, so hidden from sight. Except for how some singers and performers dress onstage, now. They don't have that lighthearted sexual humor now, like they did then, either.

  5. Mike Myers said that Austin Powers was inspired more by movies like the Silencers and In Like Flint than James Bond. Powers was not parodying James Bond but parodying James Bond parodies or films meant to jump in on that train like the Matt Helm movies.

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