The Strange Woman (1946) [Film Noir] [Drama]

“The Strange Woman” is an American film directed by Edgar G. Ulmer, starring Hedy Lamarr, and released by United Artists. An unscrupulous 19th-century woman will stop at nothing to control the men in her life.

Directed by Edgar G. Ulmer, produced by Jack Chertok (producer), Hedy Lamarr (executive producer), Eugen Schüfftan (producer) and Hunt Stromberg (executive producer), written by Ben Ames Williams (novel), Herb Meadow (screenplay), Hunt Stromberg (writer) and Edgar G. Ulmer (writer), starring Hedy Lamarr as Jenny Hager, George Sanders as John Evered, Louis Hayward as Ephraim Poster, Hillary Brooke as Meg Saladine and Gene Lockhart as Isaiah Poster.

Source: “The Strange Woman” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 22 May 2012. Web. 22 July 2012.


38 Replies to “The Strange Woman (1946) [Film Noir] [Drama]”

  1. Raven hair and ruby lips, Sparks fly from her finger tips, Echoed voices in the night, Shes a restless spirit on a endless flight… The character Jenny in this movie was described in the song Witchy Woman to a tee. Good Movie!!!

  2. there are a few great movie's i'd love to share if you can get is called come and get it starring frances farmer,another is the good earth,and finally murder on pleasent drive with kellie williams based on true story's at least a couple…!

  3. I just realized that Hedy died in quite a few of her movies. She died in Lady of the Tropics, White Cargo, Samson and Delilah and this movie.I think she was a very good actress whose beauty overshadowed her talent.

  4. Hedy Lamarr never gave a bad performance. Stunning beauty and genius intelligence (and those are her true traits, not rolls she played for the screen), she could never be a wallflower. This movie is also one of my favorites of hers.Thanks for sharing!

  5. 黑色電影,揭露人性黑暗面。女主角是黑寡婦,跟三個男人發生不倫與不義關係。然而,她也有仗義的一面,表現出人性的複雜多面。她利用雄厚財力,帶頭響應捐巨款給教會,又在木材工人暴動中,伸手救出好姊妹。

  6. 片名叫「奇女子」。1824年,美國緬因州班戈港,出身寒微的女主角靠青春美色與無盡野心搏上位,嫁給當地木材業首富的年長商賈,又勾引挑逗富商之子,也就是她青梅竹馬的玩伴,並嗾使兒子趁與父出差的機會弒父。子依言行事,卻遭女主角抛棄逐出家門。子大受刺激酗酒自盡。女主角又搭上並嫁給好友未婚夫,也就是富商企業工頭。一天,當女主角見到工頭與前未婚妻出現林間小屋,怒不可遏,急駛馬車衝向兩人,不料失控墜崖,車毀人亡。

  7. "Strange Woman"….the part of Jennie aka a natural-born psycho narcissist ……well acted by Hedy Lamarr, who was beautiful, talented….and very smart.

  8. Hunny Mz Jenny was more than a "strange" woman, that bitch was straight up devious & vindictive & used her femininity & beauty to manipulate all the men! Such an aweaome movie. Didn't think it would have been so good. Thx for uploading!!✌❤

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