KRAFT SUSPENSE THEATRE — Are There Any More Out There Like You ? ( First Season )

with Robert Ryan, Katherine Ross, Sharon Farrell, Adam Rourke, Peter Helm, Jay Novello, and Phyllis Avery


27 Replies to “KRAFT SUSPENSE THEATRE — Are There Any More Out There Like You ? ( First Season )”

  1. That is one great drama — unusual. I love the four little monsters' reaction at the end and the equally spoiled, sheltered wifey's.

  2. Those four young idiots. Are the types of people who have helped create the lunacy that our society is in right now. No wonder everything is azz backwards!

  3. Where's Dirty Harry when you need a good: "This is a Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum…Blow a man's head cleeeen off!…Do you feel lucky, punk!"
    Or maybe a good old fashioned beating with the yellow pages.
    Or maybe just a good beating.
    Or shoot them and say they were trying to escape.
    Something excruciating!

  4. Love Robert Ryan's expression after his daughter says "Well…that's the way accidents are, isn't it." –I think it mirrored exactly the expression that was on MY own face. LMAO!

  5. I wouldn't pay any bail for them . Just leave them in jail and let them enjoy the consequences as they pay . Tough love .
    The father has made the right decision as that clueless mother remains as a NUMBSKULL . Wake up Lady .

  6. Robert Ryan a great actor why did they have him through him self across the bed like women did back then and the clueless magical thinking mother and the horrible spoiled rich kids it still is a good episode

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