The Hoodlum (1951) [Film Noir] [Crime] [Drama]

“The Hoodlum” is a 1951 American film noir directed by Max Nosseck featuring Lawrence Tierney, Allene Roberts, Marjorie Riordan and Lisa Golm. The movie is about an ex-convict, who plans a bank robbery that implicates his brother.

Directed by Max Nosseck, produced by Maurice Kosloff, screenplay by Sam Neuman and Nat Tanchuck, story by Sam Neuman and Nat Tanchuck, starring Lawrence Tierney as Vincent Lubeck, Allene Roberts as Rosa, Marjorie Riordan as Eileen, Lisa Golm as Mrs. Lubeck, Edward Tierney as Johnny Lubeck, Stuart Randall as Police Lt. Burdick, Angela Stevens as Christie Lang, John De Simone as Marty Connell, Tom Hubbard as Police Sgt. Schmidt, Eddie Foster as Mickey Sessions, O.Z. Whitehead as Mr. Breckenridge. Richard Barron as Eddie Bright and Rudy Rama as Harry Hill.

Source: “The Hoodlum (1951 film)” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 21 July 2013. Web. 21 July 2013.


26 Replies to “The Hoodlum (1951) [Film Noir] [Crime] [Drama]”

  1. Wow! (Another) older film w/Lawrence Tierney. I, myself, am not old enough to remember a lot of these guys as "present-day" stars – before I saw the 1st movie with a young Tierney in it, I was used to seeing him play the big tough, jaded criminal types or at least the cynical, hard-nosed MF-ers who didn't take any shit! Everyone knows Tierney from (this generation, mainly) his role in Reservoir Dogs as the boss of the gang – and "Nice Guy Eddie's" (Chris Penn) Dad. But there's another great role Tierney played not that long ago – I think it was in the mid-80s: It was Norman Mailer's film version of his own book: Tough Guys Don't Dance (Mailer directed the film as well as wrote the book I don't remember if he wrote the screenplay or not). Anyway, Ryan O'Neal plays the main character, Lawrence Tierney plays his dad -but he's not some mob tough or jewel thief, etc., just a hard-nosed, (hard drinking probably), tough-sort maybe a retired longshoreman or something like that- anyway, that film takes place in this quaint little town somewhere in New England. Isabella Rossellini is also in it and Wings Hauser too. The film is pretty interesting -lots of weird twists & turns. I remember that it got panned by critics, etc. – but I've seen it at least twice & I thought it was OK, then again, I saw it, like 26 years ago and since it's been so long – I do wonder that if I were to see it again, would I still disagree w/critics & like it or would I have grown into having a totally different outlook on it? IDK – from what I can remember of it, I'd probably dig it again.

  2. * Wow! For an old movie, this had a lot of drama…..this guy was a real jerk! I thought it was a very focused and poignant touch that the directors had the focus on his mother at the end, dying on her bed, and telling him how it was "too late", and how he "should have cried a long time ago"….So true. And then of course where it all ended….also a great focused way of letting moviegoers at that time know loud and clear…."Crime doesn't pay"….and that it will break your mother's heart. Very great moral. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. The mother stole the movie at the end.  I guess that makes her a criminal too!   Loved both Tierney brothers in this.  Thanks for uploading this film.    You don't happen to have another Lawrence Tierney movie called "Born to Kill" that you could upload, do you?  I saw that one when I was only about 25 years old (22 years ago) and have always wanted to see it again.  Thanks!

  4. Well written, true to life,believable…. not everyone gets what they deserve in life…his hard working honest brother, the mom especially….but that hoodlum who was given a decent job at the family service station, who got out early on parole thanks to his loving mom's efforts, the woman who loved him from the bank threw it all away because he was am immoral scumbag who used people ! He was selfish. One could argue that the hoodlum got exactly what he deserved. You live a violent life…you often die a violent death as the Bible so states.

  5. Rosa needed to be taught proper lessons..she gave in to her appetites passion wise and sexually by cheating on her nice hard working Beau and instead ended up falling for that bad boy scumbag gangster brother! Why Rosa why????????!

  6. If there was an Academy Award for "Best Monologue in a Motion Picture," then Lisa Golm
    could've been nominated for it, in the scene where she lectures her hoodlum son about why
    "It's too late, Vincent."

  7. Lawrence Tierney had said in an interview: "I resented those pictures they put me in. I never thought of myself
    as that kind of guy. I thought of myself as a nice guy, who wouldn't do rotten things." But, in fact, he had gotten
    himself in lots of legal troubles. So often, it resulted in never getting a contract with a motion picture studio.

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