The Young Savages 1961 |Classic Movies|

The Young Savages 1961 Classic Movies.

“A district attorney investigates the racially charged case of three teenagers accused of the murder of a blind Puerto Rican boy. He begins to discover that the facts in the case aren’t exactly as they seem to be.”IMDb


36 Replies to “The Young Savages 1961 |Classic Movies|”

  1. Love it when a lawyer does his job well and confident about it no matter what influences surround him to try to create doubt in his mind. Lawyer was steadfast in his constitution and dedicated to the truth.

  2. I saw this one when I was 13 and it still stands up. The script is a jewel, the acting wonderful. Can't say that about many films I enjoyed as a kid. And still relevant as hell.

  3. That rarely happens that the DA fights or the defendant but because the DA was seeking the real killer(s) they did what they did. The 3 boys should have had separate lawyers but it worked out fairly.

  4. I really enjoy watching these old movies. Tv shows in the 40s 50s and 60s were the best. The 70s had some good movies as well.

  5. this film dosen't even make no sens at all they know that they kill this boy nothing but libral actions the man listen to his dumb wife to lie in court they won the case then say everybody killed your son well the same thing going on today.

  6. Woe to the Young (1961) ⮘ f'u'l'l M'o'V'i'E ⮘
    `All Subtitle`

    la Nouvelle-Orléans, un adolescent marchand et un policier local doivent faire équipe avec un ancien soldat pour
    _faire tomber le groupe responsable de sa fabrication.""""
    ê Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus arrive dans les rues de

  7. Woe to the Young (1961) Fúll MöVíé
    All Subtitle

    Це механізм, який ми
    використовуємо для встановлення
    Кеннеди, Жонсон нарын тэргүүлэгчид, Вьетнам,

  8. Burt Lancaster was actually raised in East Harlem and was a real street kid before he became a trapeze artist. And one of the white gang members played one of the Bounty Hunters in "The Outlaw Josey Wales" with Clint Eastwood.

  9. And these three good upstanding young men went on to lead brilliant lives after their short stays in detainment. NOT! American justice was an embarrassing joke then as it continues to be today. And our people, the true victims of this joke of a justice system, are so truly blind that they keep electing the same neo liberal morons to office over and over. Damn I'm glad I live in Mexico. ( I know it's only a movie, one of the best I've seen, but it is an accurate reflection of the absurd justice system as I mentioned)

  10. This is an excellent movie. Both script and acting are convincing. Regardless of their age,most likely,their confessions and case in chief would be dismissed for prosecutional misconduct.

  11. Another Classic by the prolific and rather diversified director John Frankenheimer….. born in New York and raised in Queens.
    And another compelling role performance by The Illustrious Burt Lancaster… "evidencing" once again WHY he became an American Film Idol. 👌
    THX Ton L for this memorable upload that I have enjoyed so many time over the decades!!! ✔

  12. Thank you !
    My best and great movie !
    サラリーマンヘアがよく似合うBurt !

  13. This came out shortly after West Side Story. The black and white made the violence all that much grittier. Excellent forgotten gem of the early 60's. I agree with the comment about John Chandler turning in a stellar performance.

  14. 1961- a movie depiction of boys laughing and joking after they've snuffed out a life: a reflection of a reality that existed then and still does.

  15. The first time i saw was on T.V. and i read somerwhere that the HORSEMEN attually exsited like the HARLEM RED WINGS and the infamous VAMPIRES in N.C.Y.

  16. The older gentleman with the dark hair and T-shirt behind Telly Savalas's left shoulder at 1:22:41 is my best friend, Suzanne's late father who has a cameo appearance in this movie!❤️😁

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