Set in the “distant future” of 1980, an astronaut (Dean Fredericks) is sent by the government to investigate a mysterious asteroid. His ship is caught in a meteor shower, his partner floats away and a tractor beam begins to pull him in. Soon Fredericks is shrunk down to the same size as the asteroids tiny inhabitants. Put on trial, caught in a love triangle (Coleen Gray), and conscripted to fight the terrifying alien (Richard Kiel).
11 Replies to “THE PHANTOM PLANET (1961) Dean Fredericks Coleen Gray – Colorized”
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Now you need a colorized MST3K Version ????
Has hints of early Star Trek in the set design – surely an influence
Saw phantom as a kid. The color and sound is great. Good special effects. Original black and white.
Hello. Could you help me find the name of a movie where there is a scene of an astronaut with a decapitated head floating in space? I think I saw it in the late 1980s, so it must be way back then.
Wow thanks and colorized to fantastic.
Colorization adds a pleasant new dimension to this familiar movie. Good work.
I see much scarier looking people at Walmart than that bizarre monster.
Who approved the monster design? Those "solarites" are from the planet of sad goofy's. (hmm, maybe there's a good name for a band there somewhere?)
The Phantom Planet, now in color looks very good, Doloris Faith, Colleen Grey provide the eye candy, the special effects are CHEEZY,still good movie . Scene this movie at the old Ramona Theater,in L.A., in 1961 with my brother and his friend.
Good to ????this ????????
second like from YEMEN
HI every one …