The Chairman aka The Most Dangerous Man in the World (1969)

This 1969 release is a spy thriller, that will make you sit and hold your breath as the war of spies between the world’s powers takes on a serious turn.


28 Replies to “The Chairman aka The Most Dangerous Man in the World (1969)”

  1. Zienia Merton was adorable. She'd have made a great Bond Girl or villain in a better movie. The Chairman was harmless entertainment but the tone didn't suit Gregory Peck. I think it was originally intended as a vehicle for Frank Sinatra, who was better suited to the sort of flirtatious scene at 26:00 .

  2. I loveeeed this movie thanks. I’ve been looking for this movie for years because I forgot the name, but I finally found it!
    The starting credits has always been very memorable

  3. The Fourth Industrial/Cultural Revolution is taking place right now. Chairman Schwab and associated "influencers" have things well in hand. Our Chairman promises that you will own nothing and be happy. (applause please!) And his close associate and advisor Prof Harari, is very reasonably (and for the greater good of humankind) going to take your Free Will away through a little friendly biological hacking. Just imagine! A world without having to worry about making decisions, or paying big bucks to insure and protect those pesky material items you once owned like land, homes, cars etc… And you will be happy! (more applause please) What great guys!

  4. The Chinese Proletarian Cultural Revolution was an exercise in a Confucionist ritual to exorcize the ghosts of the Old China, the China of the weak and corrupt rule of the Manchu dynasty, the China of the Treaty Ports, the China of Foreign Power Extraterritoriality, the Opium War and out right annexation of Chinese territory by the Japanese and the British.
    China is still trying to exorcize those ghosts by trying to have East Asia becoming tributary to a Red Chinese Empire!

  5. 51:50 Keye Luke, Charlie Chan'S "Son No 1" and founding member of the Screen Actors Guild, the original Kato from Green Hornet, before Bruce Lee, a Legend, there's a bio pic out there about him, I think real fresh, gotta see it.

  6. Back when we understood the danger of Red China. Just around the time of their barbaric "cultural revolution".
    Something akin to what's happening in this country now.

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