39 Replies to “Doctor At Sea (Dirk Bogarde) (1955)”

  1. 16jun2023
    Doctor at Sea.1955.(xx.D Bogarde.Brenda Banzie.Brigitte Bardot.JTR Justice.M Denham.M Medwin.H Gregg)[R Thomas]{R Gordon.โ€™novโ€™.Phipps.Davies.scp.F Wilson.ed.Steward.ph.Bru Montgomery.msc)_1nbft.2n.5.8_1h33_/ Bachelor Dr. Simon Sparrow (Dirk Bogarde) goes to sea to escape the boredom of shore practice, but studies the nurses more than medicine, and Hรฉlรจne Colbert (Brigitte Bardot) is around.

  2. This film comedy is a delight. Dirk Bogarde, Brigitte Bardot and James Robertson Justice: magnificent. And among the galaxy of great postwar British screen actors, we have Raymond Huntley, who was to go on and play the Bellamy family solicitor Sir Geoffrey Dillon in the original Upstairs, Downstairs.

  3. How wonderful! It was a delight and with a little French touch. They are adorable and the film was an absolute joy. Thank you ever so much. I love Dirk Bogarde and to see him doing comedy is always lovely.

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