Assignment Paris 1952 📽️🍿🥤 Drama Thriller Film-Noir Dana Andrews, George Sanders

⭐Assignment In Paris:
Cold war intrigue in France and Hungary. Paris-based reporter Jimmy Race (Andrews) is sent by his boss (Sanders) behind the Iron Curtain in Budapest to investigate a meeting involving the Hungarian ambassador. While on assignment, Race is framed for espionage

⭐Trivia: Actor Dana Andrews stated that location filming in Paris was interrupted by Communists who were intent on preventing filming.

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32 Replies to “Assignment Paris 1952 📽️🍿🥤 Drama Thriller Film-Noir Dana Andrews, George Sanders”

  1. Märta Torén, the love interest here, was a beautiful young actress from Sweden. Tragically, she died only 5 years after this, from a sudden brain haemorrhage.

  2. WTF!? In the final scene with Grisha"s exchange forJames Race, the FASHION EDITOR or whatever that blonde piece is meant to be, was along for this top level, diplomatically sensitive event?!! That is just pure B.S. It's like making Lady Gaga a Foreign Minister. Stupid script.

  3. Lots of music, several important women, two good stars in George Sanders and Dana Andrews but a run-of-the mill plot with evil communists looking and sounding the part.

  4. Incredibly stupid propaganda. Why would journalists care about secret negotiations in Eastern Europe? It's not what journalists do.

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