Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy is faced with a series of brutal murders in which the victims,all from different social and economic backgrounds, are viciously slashed to pieces.


30 Replies to “Dick Tracy”

  1. Mmmm let's see… Dick Tracy owns a two story house… Tess Trueheart is wearing a full fur coat to a fancy nightclub… Has anyone thought to call Internal Affairs to see if THIS Dick Tracy is taking payoffs???

  2. -When will the world — the United States of A. — understand that Hitler and the Nazis were nothing but a bunch of third class, the lowest, the.discouraged outcasts of Germany.. It does not explain everything but most of it. The rest— well greed!? and the constant flight of the most able scientists — especially German Jews. Does that explain what a uneducated fool Hitler was and the devil incarnate Dr.Goebbles?

  3. Did I mention Einstein and a group of scientists mostly German Jews, who had a fascinating love for that country. I wrote a whole bunch of essays proofing what I just had mentioned.Pastor Manders V. Lobsung 2013/10/22

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