old scifi movie, sci-fi , made in 1959 , science-fiction film , A young alien (David Love) falls for a pretty teenage Earth girl (Dawn Anderson) and they team up to try to stop the plans of his invading cohorts, who intend to use Earth as a food-breeding ground for giant lobsters from their planet. The invaders, who arrive in a flying saucer, carry deadly ray guns that turn Earth-people into skeletons.
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In a small town, the silence is shattered by a rash of disappearances at the swamp near the old deserted factories. Bodies are being discovered with no blood left in them. It’s up to a park ranger and the town sheriff to discover what ungodly creature is responsible for these deaths. It’s only a matter of time before they discover that what they seek are leeches that have grown to unbelievable size. We bleed, they feed!
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King Louis XIII of France is thrilled to have born to him a son – an heir to the throne. But when the queen delivers a twin, Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret to ensure a peaceful future for France. Alas, keeping the secret means sending Constance, lover of D’Artagnan, off to a convent. D’Artagnan hears of this and rallies the Musketeers in a bid to rescue her. Unfortunately, Richelieu out-smarts the Musketeers and banishes them forever. Richelieu enlists D’Artagnan to look after and protect the young prince. Meanwhile, de Rochefort learns of the twins and Richelieu’s plans, and kidnaps the twin, raising him in secret. Many years later, with Richelieu dead and the young prince crowned King Louis XIV, Rochefort launches his plan. The king is kidnapped, replaced with his twin, put in an iron mask so as not to be recognized, and led off to a remote castle to be held prisoner. Louis XIV is able to alert D’Artagnan, who realizes that only his friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis can help him, so he reunites the Musketeers to derail Rochefort’s nefarious plot but at a heavy toll.
Starring Douglas Fairbanks as D’Artagnan
One of Fairbanks swashbuckling best and proof of his ample abilities as an actor
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A Silent film based upon the Broadway play by Mary Roberts Rinehart and Avery Hopwood, this Silent Gem was directed by Roland West in 1926, later being Remade as the Bat Whispers in 1930 (by Roland West) and again in 1958 in the Bat starring Vincent Price, also available at the Archive. Oh, and when I say silent, I mean silent – this was transferred from a 16mm print and was probably meant to be played with live musical accompaniment.
SYNOPSIS: The Bat, a masked criminal, terrorises a mansion filled with the guests of a mystery writer, a mansion in which a robber has hidden $20,000 of Stolen money.
The House guests along with a detective search for Clues – them being the location of the money and the identity of the Bat.
N.B – As many Batfans will know, this film is where Bob Kane got the Inspiration for the comic book superhero “Batman” – if you look, you’ll notice the Bat-signal, here used to frighten the guests before the Bat attacks.
Sound: Silent – No Music, No Vocal Track – Live Accompaniment preffered
Colour: B&W
Genre: Horror/Mystery
Release Date: 1926
Director: Roland West
Run time 85 minutes 34 seconds
Producer Roland West
Audio/Visual sound, color
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The Outlaw,An American Western story of Billy the Kid, Doc Holliday, and Pat Garrett, directed by Howard Hughes, and debuting Jane Russell in her first movie role. This was a breakthrough for Jane Russell, turning the young actress into a sex symbol and Hollywood icon.
Sheriff Pat Garrett (Thomas Mitchell) welcomes his old friend Doc Holliday (Walter Huston) to Lincoln, New Mexico. Doc is looking for his stolen horse and finds it in the possession of Billy the Kid (Jack Buetel). Despite this, the two gunfighters take a liking to each other, much to Pat’s disgust. This does not prevent Doc from trying to steal the horse back late that night, but Billy is waiting for him outside the barn. After that, Billy decides to sleep in the barn, and is shot at. He overpowers his ambusher, who turns out to be curvaceous young Rio McDonald (Jane Russell), out to avenge her dead brother.
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Death Rides a Horse (aka Da uomo a uomo, or As Man to Man) is a 1967 Spaghetti Western directed by Giulio Petroni, written by Luciano Vincenzoni, and starring Lee Van Cleef and John Phillip Law.
IMDb Rating: 7.2/10
As a child, Bill witnesses the murder of his family by four robbers. Fifteen years later, he embarks on his revenge. During his quest, he crosses paths with Ryan, an ex-con who wants the money the robbers owe him
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A spoiled British debutante, in the guise of “Lady X,” makes a woman-hating divorce lawyer eat his words through romance and marriage. They meet in a hotel suite they are forced to share, she disappears, and he is intrigued. Based on the play by Gilbert Wakefield. This public domain film was originally released as a theatrical production.
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A Trip to the Moon (French: Le Voyage dans la Lune)[a] is a 1902 French silent film directed by Georges Méliès. Inspired by a wide variety of sources, including Jules Verne’s novels From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon, the film follows a group of astronomers who travel to the Moon in a cannon-propelled capsule, explore the Moon’s surface, escape from an underground group of Selenites (lunar inhabitants), and return to Earth with a captive Selenite. It features an ensemble cast of French theatrical performers, led by Méliès himself in the main role of Professor Barbenfouillis, and is filmed in the overtly theatrical style for which Méliès became famous.
Viaje a la Luna (Le Voyage dans la Lune) es una película francesa que se estrenó en 1902 suponiendo una revolución para la época. Su autor, Georges Méliès, fue el primer gran creador del cinematógrafo, el pionero en dotar a las primeras películas de un verdadero argumento. Artista, mago, ilusionista, saltimbanqui, el polifacético Méliès, vio en el nuevo invento del cinematógrafo una forma de aumentar la promoción de sus números. Aunque su estética estaba dominada por la técnica del teatro, concibió numerosos trucos y efectos que incluyo en sus más de 800 películas. La influencia que ha tenido Méliès en la técnica cinematográfica es incalculable, y hoy podemos referirnos a él como el primero en idear el cine como espectáculo.
Viaje a la Luna (1902) es considerada como la primera película de ciencia ficción, y en ella quedan evidenciados los elementos característicos del género (la nave espacial, la exploración de nuevos horizontes…). Algunas de las técnicas cinematográficas más conocidas ya están presentes en esta película, como los fundidos, la sobreimpresión, la utilización de maquetas, etc.
La historia arranca con una reunión de científicos en la que el doctor Barbenfouillis (interpretado por el propio Georges Mélliès) trata de convencer a sus colegas de que participen en un viaje para explorar la Luna. Tras concretar el plan y formar el grupo que realizará la expedición, se ultiman los detalles del viaje y los científicos son disparados en un cohete espacial. La nave aterriza en el ojo de la Luna (imagen ya célebre) y los científicos comienzan a explorar el entorno lunar. No tardan mucho tiempo en encontrar a los habitantes de la Luna, los selenitas, que les capturan y llevan ante su rey. Después de descubrir la forma en la que los selenitas pueden ser vencidos con la utilización de un paraguas, los científicos consiguen escapar y regresar a la Tierra. Allí, tras caer en el mar y ser rescatados, son recibidos en Paris como héroes.
Directed by:
Georges Méliès
Produced by:
Georges Méliès
Written by:
Georges Méliès
Based on:
From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon
by Jules Verne (see also Inspirations section below)
Georges Méliès
Bleuette Bernon
François Lallement
Henri Delannoy
American Aristocracy is a 1916 American silent adventure/comedy-drama film directed by Lloyd Ingraham and starring Douglas Fairbanks. A 35mm print of the film is preserved at the George Eastman House and is currently in the public domain.
Directed by:
Lloyd Ingraham
Story by:
Anita Loos
Douglas Fairbanks
Jewel Carmen
Victor Fleming
Production company:
Fine Arts Film Company
Distributed by:
Triangle Film Corporation
Release dates:
November 12, 1916
Running time:
52 minutes
United States
English intertitles
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Louis Wolheim plays the boss of the railroad yard in Miles City, Montana. The film opens with a landslide across the tracks in Montana, and a repair crew is dispatched to clear the tracks. Several hobos are lounging nearby and are put to work helping the repair crew. One of the hobos, played by Robert Armstrong, is discovered to have been a former railroad engineer who lost his job due to insubordination. He is given a new job for the railroad by the yard boss, but quickly falls in love with the boss’s fiancée, played by Jean Arthur.
Jealousy grows between the two over the affections of Arthur with both of them attempting to win her in marriage. Things come to a head during a fight in the railroad yard between the two, during which Wolheim is hit by a train and injured. To save his life, Armstrong must transport him in record time to Chicago for surgery.
Directed by:
George B. Seitz
Produced by:
William LeBaron
Myles Connolly (assoc.)
Written by:
James Ashmore Creelman
Louis Wolheim
Robert Armstrong
Jean Arthur
Karl Struss
John W. Boyle
Edited by:
Archie F. Marshek
Distributed by:
RKO Pictures
Release dates:
November 15, 1930 ( Premiere-Chicago)[1]
December 12, 1930 (U.S.)[1]