Double Exposure (1944) CHESTER MORRIS

Stars: Chester Morris, Nancy Kelly, Jane Farrar
Director: William Berke

Chester Morris plays Larry Burke, editor for a weekly photo magazine. Impressed by the work of photojournalist Pat Marvin, Burke hires Marvin sight unseen, only to discover that “he” is a “she” (Nancy Kelly). Having evidently never heard of Margaret Bourke-White, Burke insists that the shutterbug racket is no job for a dame, but Pat intends to prove him wrong. In the process, she becomes the prime suspect in a murder case, forcing Burke to come out from behind his desk and solve the mystery himself


The Fighting Lady (1944) – USS Yorktown – Robert Taylor | Edward Steichen – FULL MOVIE

American documentary & propaganda film produced by the U.S. Navy during World War II and narrated by Lt. Robert Taylor USNR.

The plot of the film revolves around the life of seamen on board an anonymous aircraft carrier. Because of war time restrictions, the name of the aircraft carrier was disguised as “the Fighting Lady”; afterwards the ship’s true name became public — she was the USS Yorktown. A few shots of aircraft landing were filmed aboard USS Ticonderoga. Due to her fighting heritage, and to honor all carrier sailors and airmen, the Yorktown is on permanent display at Patriots Point in Charleston, SC.

In the scene of a strafing mission against the Japanese-held island of Truk, one of the figures seen running for cover is an American POW. According to his autobiography, that prisoner was Maj. Gregory H. ‘Pappy’ Boyington, the highest-scoring U.S. Marine pilot of the war, who had been shot down a few months before in the Solomon Islands.


More newsreel clips, documentaries, PSAs (Public Service Announcements), and other non-fiction videos added to the channel regularly. We hope you enjoy these movies, cartoons & animations, and other films.
