Saddle Mountain Roundup (1941) Westerns Full Movies English

An old man and his Chinese servant are in danager of becoming victims of the ruthless killer, The Raven. Director:S. Roy Luby Writers:William L. Nolte (sto. .

The Range Busters have a plan to get into the outlaw39s hideout in Fugitive Valley The Sheriff puts Crash and Langdon in jail together and then has Dusty bre.

Range Busters western movie full length The Range Busters are brought in by a mans mother Her son has been framed for murder and must be cleared and the real.

Lambert has the stagecoach wrecked killing the Commissioner so his phony replacement can alter Coonskin’s land survey. When Red Ryder exposes the survey hoax.


The Lone Ranger | 1 Hour Compilation | HD | TV Series English Full Episodes | Videos For Kids

Lone Ranger | TV Series English Full Episode | HD
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➭ Watch more of Lone Ranger’s adventures ➭ Lone Ranger is a fictional masked former Texas Ranger who fought outlaws in the American Old West with his Native American friend, Tonto. The character has been called an enduring icon of American culture.

The Lone Ranger was named so because the character is the only survivor of a group of six Texas Rangers, rather than because he works alone (as he is usually accompanied by his Native American companion Tonto). While details differ, the basic story of the origin of the Lone Ranger is the same in most versions of the franchise. A posse of six members of the Texas Ranger Division pursuing a band of outlaws led by Bartholomew “Butch” Cavendish is betrayed by a civilian guide named Collins and is ambushed in a canyon named Bryant’s Gap. Later, an Indian named Tonto stumbles onto the scene and discovers one ranger is barely alive, and he nurses the man back to health. In some versions, Tonto recognizes the lone survivor as the man who saved his life when they both were children. According to the television series, when Tonto left the Reid place with a horse given him by the boy Reid, he gave Reid a ring and the name Kemo Sabe, which he said means “trusty scout”. Among the Rangers killed was the survivor’s older brother, Daniel Reid, who was a captain in the Texas Rangers and the leader of the ambushed group. To conceal his identity and honor his fallen brother, Reid fashions a black domino mask from the material of his brother’s vest. To aid in the deception, Tonto digs a sixth grave and places at its head a cross bearing Reid’s name so that Cavendish and his gang would believe that all of the Rangers had been killed.

In many versions Reid continues fighting for justice as The Lone Ranger even after the Cavendish gang is captured.


Meet John Doe (1941) [Comedy]

“Meet John Doe” is a 1941 American comedy drama film directed and produced by Frank Capra, and starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. The film is about a “grassroots” political campaign created unwittingly by a newspaper columnist and pursued by a wealthy businessman. It became a box office hit and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Story. Though the film is less well known than other Frank Capra classics, it remains highly regarded today. It was ranked #49 in AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Cheers.

Infuriated at being told to write one final column after being laid off from her newspaper job, Ann Mitchell (Barbara Stanwyck) prints a letter from a fictional unemployed “John Doe” threatening suicide on Christmas Eve in protest of society’s ills. When the note causes a sensation and the paper’s competition suspects a fraud and starts to investigate, the newspaper editor rehires Mitchell who comes up with a scheme of hiding the fictional nature of “John Doe” while exploiting the sensation caused by the fake letter to boost the newspaper’s sales, for which she demands a bonus equal to 8 months’ pay. After reviewing a number of derelicts who have shown up at the paper claiming to have penned the original suicide letter, Mitchell and editor Henry Connell (James Gleason) hire John Willoughby (Gary Cooper), a former baseball player and tramp who is in need of money to repair his injured arm, to play John Doe. Mitchell now starts to pen an article series in Doe’s name, elaborating on the letter’s ideas of society’s disregard of people in need.

Willoughby gets $50, a new suit of clothes, and a plush hotel suite with his tramp friend (Walter Brennan), who launches into an extended diatribe against “the heelots”, lots of heels who incessantly focus on getting money from others. Willoughby is hired to give radio speeches, guided by Mitchell who is promised $100 a week to write his speeches, paid by the newspaper’s publisher, D.B. Norton (Edward Arnold). Willoughby turns down a $5,000 bribe to admit the whole thing was a publicity stunt, gives Mitchell’s speech, and dashes off to the countryside with “The Colonel”. They ride the rails, playing the harmonica and ocarina until they show up in Millsville, where John Doe is recognized at a diner. He’s brought to City Hall, where he’s met by Hanson, who gives a five-minute monologue about how he was inspired to start a local John Doe club.

The John Doe philosophy spreads across the country, developing into a broad grassroots movement whose simple slogan is, “Be a better neighbor”. Far from being an altruistic philanthropist, however, Norton plans to channel the support for Doe into support for his own national political ambitions. As a culmination of this plan, Norton has instructed Mitchell to write a speech for Willoughby in which he announces the foundation of a new political party and endorses Norton as its presidential candidate.

When Willoughby, who has come to believe in the John Doe philosophy himself, realizes that he is being used, he tries to expose the plot, but is first stymied in his attempts to talk his own mind to a nationwide radio audience at the rally instead of reading the prepared speech, and then exposed as a fake by Norton, who claims to have been deceived, like everyone else, by the staff of the newspaper. Frustrated by his failure, Willoughby intends to commit suicide by jumping from the roof of the City Hall on Christmas Eve, as indicated in the original John Doe letter. Only the intervention of Mitchell and followers of the John Doe clubs persuades him to renege on his threat to kill himself. At this point in the movie, a reference to Jesus Christ is made, that a historical “John Doe” has already died for the sake of humanity. The film ends with Connell turning to Norton and saying, “There you are, Norton! The people! Try and lick that!”

Produced and directed by Frank Capra, written by Richard Connell and Robert Presnell, Sr., starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck.

Source: “Meet John Doe” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 18 July 2012. Web. 29 July 2012.

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돌아오지 않는 해병(1963) / The Marines Who Never Returned ( Dora-oji Anneun Haebyeong )

영화의 자세한 정보를 보려면 아래의 웹주소를 방문하세요.
For detailed information on this film, visit :

감독(Director) : 이만희(Lee Man-Hee)
출연 : 장동휘(분대장),최무룡,구봉서,이대엽,전계현,강미애,전영선(영희),김운하,독고성,김웅,정민,나애심,김아미,차유미,한미나,채랑,최성,이해룡,장혁,조항,김왕국

줄거리 : 한국전쟁 중 한 해병부대가 인천상륙작전에 참가한다. 호랑이 분대장(장동휘)이 이끄는 분대원들은 폐허가 된 시가로 들어가 북한군과 총격전을 벌인다. 한 모녀가 건물에서 뛰어나오다 소녀만 살아남는다. 건물 안의 학살된 양민들 속에서 여동생을 발견한 구일병(이대엽)은 절규한다. 서울 수복 후 부대는 북진하고, 분대원들은 고아가 된 소녀 영희(전영선)를 군대 자루 속에 넣어 다닌다. 최 해병(최무룡)이 전속되자, 구 일병은 그의 형이 여동생을 죽였다며 주먹다짐을 한다. 영희가 부대에 정식으로 소속되고, 분대원들은 기마전에서 승리한 상금으로 막걸리 파티를 한다. 크리스마스 이틀 전, 외박을 나가 양공주들과 시간을 보내고 있는 분대원들에게 부대 복귀 명령이 내려지고 분대원들은 중공군의 인해전술에 피해를 입은 전선으로 투입된다. 분대원들은 영희가 보낸 크리스마스 편지를 읽고, 분대장은 최후의 일전을 앞둔 대원들을 격려한다. 인해전술을 펼치며 밀려오는 중공군에 분대원들이 하나둘 죽고, 통신병인 김 해병(김운하)이 구원병을 요청하러 간 사이 분대원들은 남은 중공군과 전투를 벌인다. 김 해병은 영희를 만나 구 일병의 부탁대로 모두 무사하다고 거짓말을 한다. 중공군들이 후퇴하고, 구 일병의 주검 앞에 살아남은 분대장과 최 해병이 흐느껴 운다.

Casts : Jang Dong-Hwi, Choi Mu-Ryong, Koo Bong-Seo, Lee Dae-Yeob

SYNOPSIS : During the Korean War (1950-1953), a marine squad marches north fighting off Chinese army. The marines die one after another. Among them are friends from a small village. Only one of them survives the Chinese attack. He is sent to a hospital where his fiancee, a nurse, is waiting for him. This film depicts barbarism of the war, dying people and touching friendship among soldiers.
