Meet John Doe (1941) [Comedy]

“Meet John Doe” is a 1941 American comedy drama film directed and produced by Frank Capra, and starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. The film is about a “grassroots” political campaign created unwittingly by a newspaper columnist and pursued by a wealthy businessman. It became a box office hit and was nominated for an Academy …

The Blood of Jesus (1941) – Spencer Williams Film

An atheist accidentally shoots his Baptist wife. She dies and goes to a crossroads, where the devil tries to lead her astray. Cast (IMDB): Cathryn Caviness as Sister Martha Ann Jackson; Spencer Williams as Razz Jackson; Juanita Riley as Sister Jenkins; Reather Hardeman as Sister Ellerby; Rogenia Goldthwaite as The Angel; James B. Jones as …

Flying Wild (1941) [Comedy] [Drama]

While pals Skinny (Donald Haines), Danny Graham (Bobby Jordan), Peewee (David Gorcey), Algy Reynolds (Eugene Francis), and Scruno (Sunshine Sammy Morrison) all work at the Reynolds Aviation Company, which is run by Algy’s father (Herbert Rawlinson), Muggs (Leo Gorcey), the only one of the kids who refuses to work, spends his time flirting with an …

Cheers for Miss Bishop (1941) [Drama]

“Cheers for Miss Bishop” is a film based on the novel “Miss Bishop” by Bess Streeter Aldrich. This film marked the debut of Rosemary De Camp. Miss Ella Bishop is a teacher at a small town Midwestern college. The story is told in flashback and takes place over many years, from the 1880s to the …


Renfrew films are about as realistic a look at the RCMP as Starsky and Hutch was to police work… but they’re a lot of fun. In this one Renfrew (James Newell) goes after the culprits of an armored car heist but learns not all things are what they seem. This film fell into the public …