Daughter of Horror (1955) [Film Noir] [Horror] [Mystery]

“Daughter of Horror” (also known in a slightly altered version as “Dementia”) is an American film by John Parker, incorporating elements of the horror film, film noir and expressionist film. It was produced in 1953, but not released until 1955. A young woman awakens from a nightmare in a run down hotel. She leaves the …

Convict’s Code (1939) [Drama] [Crime]

Convict’s Code is a 1939 American film directed by Lambert Hillyer. The movie (also known as “Paroled to Exile”) is about a man, who’s framed and sent to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. When he is let out on limited parole, he sets out to clear his honor and find the real criminals. …

Club Paradise (Sensation Hunters) (1945) [Drama]

“Club Paradise”, aslo known as “Sensation Hunters” is a 1945 American drama film. The movie is about a naive young girl, which lookings to escape from a bad family situation, falls in love with a man who turns out to be a cad, and leads her down the road to ruin.— — Directed by Christy …

The Trap

When a troupe of showgirls with their impresario and press agent had vacation at Malibu Beach, two of them are garroted. Charlie Chan takes on the case assisted by Number Two, his Son Jimmy, and his faithful chauffeur Birmingham Brown. source